Senin, 21 November 2011

My artwork to be featured in the Exhibition

Yaaaay.. pagi-pagi saat buka akun DeviantART ada sebuah note yang mengatakan bahwa karyaku akan ditampilkan di sebuah pameran di Berlin, Jerman!!!!
Ekspresi senang --->

Kok bisa?
berawal dari ketika join salah satu grup di DA yang ternyata sedang mengadakan kontes.

Ini dia kopian jurnalnya:

"Okay guys, it's time for ........

*drum roll*

a contest! Yeah, that's right, it's time for a contest!!

Well, as you've maybe seen, AMA ~Agentur-Manga-Art is our new Co-Founder =D We're planning on going to an exhibition in Berlin, Germany and WE WANT YOU to make something cute/kawaii and take a photograph of it!!

you can read more about it here: [link]

Kawaii Samurai
non-fiction manga

PS: You can submit as many works as you want!! You can choose a theme you want or participate in all 3 themes! You can also mix the themes! =D
Samurai: you know what a Samurai is.. it doesn't matter if it's the classical or fantasy-like Samurai, just surprise us!
Snow: is a "free theme" - think about the atmosphere and it's colors!
non-fiction manga: you may not know - impart your "KNOWLEDGE" in form of a manga!
(It doesn't matter if you present us your favourite recipe or if you coach us in maths.)^^

it doesn't matter if it's a plushie, handmade craft (made of clay etc.) , or a drawing (traditional/digital))

:bulletpink: The categories:
1. Badge Art (Button)
2. Manga frame, Digital Art, Traditional Art, pictures, frames, Artworks
3. 4-Panel-Manga (Yon-Koma-Manga, four-pictures-comics), one-sided/short comics, comic-strips
4. Story-Manga, Comics, Manga
5. AMV (Anime music video), MMV
6. Fan Art
7. Manga Art (Fimo, Plushies, Products, Cosplay, Photography)

28 October 2011

:star: update: I'll give you a special prize (for the 1st place)!~~ it could be a membership, a plushie, points or anything else=D.. it's a surprise! but be prepared!:star:
1. We present you on the MangaArtV - exhibition!
2. The best contributions are brought out as a Merchandising*!
- Every badge artist receives his badges for free plus specially from all participants!
- Other Merchandising in preparation.
3. Publication in the Artbook, in newspapers and in a Mangabook!
4. Many great material prices of our sponsors & partners!
* is not valid for fan art
5. a journal feature, a group journal feature and a llama from me!~~
6. 1 :points: and a free sketch from ~Sonic-x-23
7. 1 free full body chibi from ~Sirieht
8. a B&W chibi for the first place from ~sakissnow
9. 1st place - full body anime girl // 2nd place - half body anime girl // 3rd place - chibi anime boy/girl from ~soorujoosu
10. a free chibi sketch for 2nd place from ~kalistanchu
11. a 50x50 pixeled icon for the winner(s) from =lizziecat1279
12. Llamas from ~Agentur-Manga-Art
13. a front cover for a German Manga-paper. Image A4, 600 dpi, minus 10-20% leave space for uninmportant details above, so that they can layout the title there. If possible, save the image in 2 picture files: figure and background!
14. 4-Koma illustrator obtain the chance to publish their comics in the paper monthly. 4-Koma in German or English language as possible. Please apply the text in the comic yourself.
15. for the 2nd place: a full-body, digital-colored chibi pic for 2 characters from ~Kas97
16. a drawing for all places by =royalbell
17. a journal feature for the winners by =Silver-MoonNight
18. POINTS by =Sei-rei
19. a free character drawing for the winner(s) by =rifftiff

Karena kebetulan saya baru submit karya yang berhubungan sama salah satu temanya (Snow), akhirnya saya ikutan submit walau saya sendiri masih bingung apaan aja sih hadiah yang akan saya dapatkan. Tapi itu tidak penting! Yang penting karya saya dimuat!!!! YEAAAAAAH... 
Karya ini juga pernah saya submit sebelumnya di blog saya untuk Illustration Friday

sewaktu baca notenya kembali secara seksama... Ternyata dia minta saya mengirimkan artwork saya dalam resolusi yang lebih tinggi dan paling lambat dikirim besok!
*langsung nyemburin susu yang barusan saya teguk <--agak lebay
Berhubung koneksi internet sedang lambat (emang lelet terus sebenernya) dan tidak bisa mendukung pengiriman gambar dengan kapasitas yang besar, saya terpaksa merelakan tiga ribu rupiah untuk paket satu jam internet di warnet (karena kalo udah duduk diwarnet, walau niat awal cuma ngirim email, spontan langsung buka banyak tab!!)

Yasudah.. saatnya saya off
#Warnet I'm comiiiiiiiiiiiing....  
<-- langsung ngibrit karena takut warnetnya penuh (maklum warnet dikomplek cuma ada satu dan harus rebutan sama bocah2 yang kepengen main game online)

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