Rabu, 24 Oktober 2012

Return to Neverland (IF-sky)

~Explore your imagination like a child~

What's on my mind when I drew this pict?
Lately, I often watched the children (actually since I joined KPBA-Komunitas Pecinta Bacaan Anak) and I got to thinking, how much fun while still a child.

They have limitless imagination. Wild. Anything can happen in their mind. Different from adults who tend to think realistically. I think adults have more life, but
once, be like children. Full of imagination, and innocent
*Ceritanya mau sok inggris, padahal mah translate-nya aja pake google translate. Jadi silahkan protes sama google translate kalo bahasa inggrisnya berantakan! :P*

See you~~

4 komentar:

  1. Very sweet - no one could top Peter Pan for a first date!

  2. salam kenal simplelooklet.. saya nyasar ke blog ini dan saya suka sekali nyasar di tempat yang tepat. :D

    saya penikmat dunia anak dan gambar2.. well, suka gambar juga. gambar manual yang coret2. haha.

    btw, saya izin jadiin gambar ini cover FB ya.. saya punya kenangan manis dengan neverland soalny :')
    tengkyu pisan.

    1. salam kenal juga :3

      dipersilahkan kok, hehe.. terima kasih ya :)
      *seneng seneng seneng*
